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Reverse Buyer Seller Meet

Reverse Buyer Seller Meet


Experience the pinnacle of business networking at World Food India 2023 through the Ministry of Food Processing Industries* (MoFPIl exceptional initiative - the Reverse Buyer Seller Meet [RBSM], organised in partnership with the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, along with its allied boards, such as Tea Board, Coffee Board, Spices Board as well as associated bodies like the Marine Products Export Development Authority [MPEDA] and Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA]. This edition of World Food India is set to witness a seamless collaboration as all these boards converge for a combined Reverse Buyer Seller Meet.

The RBSM will connect over 1000 global buyers from more than 75 countries, representing all major geo-economic regions, such as the Americas, Oceania, Europe, CIS, and the Gulf. The meet offers an array of advantages, including enhanced market access, interactions with potential partners, exposure to new products and innovations, insightful discussions on industry trends, and the creation of valuable B2B connections. This will be an exclusive opportunity to forge lasting business relationships and explore new horizons in the food industry.

  • APEDA India

  • Coffee Board Gov of India


  • West Bengal

  • Tea Board India

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